Our World In Data

Background Information | Perspectives | Theory | Websites

Our World in Data (OWID) is an online publication that shows how living conditions are changing. The aim is to give a global overview and to show changes over the very long run, so that we can see where we are coming from and where we are today.

William MacAskill: Doing Good Better – How Effective Altruism Can Help You Make a Difference

Books | Background Information | Critique | Perspectives | Theory

Most of us want to make a difference. Unfortunately, we often base these decisions on assumptions and emotions rather than facts. As a result, even our best intentions often lead to ineffective—and sometimes downright harmful—outcomes. How can we do better?

The danger of a single story

Africa | Reports | Background Information | Perspectives | Videos

Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice — and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding.

The State of Finance for Developing Countries

Current issues | Articles | Development politics | Background Information | Types of content | Critique | Topics

An assessment of the scale of all sources of nance available to developing countries

If The World Were 100 People

Background Information | Videos

If the population of the world was only 100 people, what would society look like? by GOOD Data

How not to be ignorant about the world

Background Information | Videos

How much do you know about the world? Hans Rosling, with his famous charts of global population, health and income data, demonstrates that you have a high statistical chance of being quite wrong about what you think you know.